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Registration for Abstract Submission are closed

General guidelines for Abstract Submission:

  1. The Abstract should be structured, and not exceed 300 words.

  2. Abstracts should be submitted online through the link provided. No submissions are accepted through email.

  3. The presenting author must be a registered delegate and his/her name should be Bold and Underlined.

  4. Format instructions: Font size: Main headings-16;  Sub-headings-14; Content-12, Font style: Times new roman.

  5. Only one paper is accepted per delegate.

  6. All abstracts shall have at least three and not more than five relevant keywords.

General guidelines for Travel Grant:

  1. The application for the Travel Grant for NHEOR 2024 will be applied along with the Abstract submission.

  2.  Must be a full time Student (UG/PG/Ph.D.)

  3. Travel Grants will be provided for the top rated Research Abstracts.

  4. The recipient of the NHEOR Travel Grant receives travel reimbursement (Bus/Train)

Travel Grant Notification : 27th January 2024

Structure of Abstract for Research Works:

  1. Title 

  2. Introduction

  3. Objective

  4. Methodology

  5. Results 

  6. Conclusion

  7. Keywords – at least three and not more than five relevant keywords

Structure of Abstract for Case Reports:

  1. Title

  2. Introduction

  3. Case report (Chief complaints, Medical and Medication history, Investigations, Diagnosis, Treatment, Pharmacist's Interventions (If any), Treatment outcomes and Follow-up)

  4. Conclusion

  5. Keywords – At least three and not more than five relevant keywords

Structure of Abstract for Narrative Reviews:

  1. Title 

  2. Introduction

  3. Discussion 

  4. Conclusion

  5. Keywords – at least three and not more than five relevant keywords

Please note that the submission of your abstract confirms the following terms and conditions:​​

  1. In case of a research or case report submission, the work should have been approved by your respective Institutional Ethical Committee.

  2. Due permission from the respective collaborators/co-authors/co-investigators/HOD/HOI is compulsory.

  3. Informed consent forms (if applicable) are mandatory.

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